The cat once I lived with

Yosyuku's Diary

Thursday, 30th January 2025


I'm trying to use Google calender on iOS.
It's easier to input a schedule than Apple calender when you do it on your Mac.
I have noticed my progress of English study is not excellent so I'm trying to estimate how long time I can spend actually.
I read another book about how to study efficiently.

I like to write it down on paper with a pen but if I use digital calender I can review it quickly at anywhere.
Before trying to make it on paper, I decided to use Google calender.
Because Toggl Track cannot import schedule from Apple calender.
Toggl Track is an timer app for your activities.

I would be able to use longer time than I expected if I were conscious of my schedule.
I should schedule my entire week on Sunday night.
I'm a hybrid worker between office and home, so I have two pattern of time schedule on weekdays.
That made things confusing.

I ordered a textbook for IT Passport today.
I'm wondering it is more difficult than the health supervisor exam or not.

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