Wednesday, 29th January 2025
Fiction versus non-fiction are like music versus podcast
I banned using from iPhone during going to work by Brick.
I had to listen to English podcasts in a train because I couldn't listen to music.
Then I came across an idea.
It is similar to something.
I read non-fiction books to develop culture.
On the other hand, I read fiction books (novels) not only just to develop culture, but also to find joy.
Likewise, I listen to podcast to seek information and to study English while I listen to music to find joy.
Apple's provides transcription and I found native speaker's natural speed is extremely fast.
My eyes cannot keep up with the speed of speech during reading those transcription.
When I read fast, I cannot understand.
I only understood the reason why I hadn't understood most of English podcasts.
I should put off to take IELTS.
There is an examination I'd like to take before IELTS.
It is called IT Passport.
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