Friday, 13th December 2024
When should I take IELTS?
I want to take IELTS as soon as possible.
But I want to prepare a lot.
But the longer I take to prepare, the older I will be.
The IELTS examination fee is 27,500 yen.
I felt it was much more expensive than TOEIC.
But TOEIC tests only two skills at a time, whereas IELTS tests four skills at a time.
I walked more than 10,000 steps today.
I joined an English voice chat while walking, but the sound of cars on the road was quite loud.
Moreover, the content of the chat was a deep discussion on human emotions.
Once again, I had to be a listener.
I am thinking of going to see my mother somewhere during the New Year holidays.
It takes courage.
I want to tell her that I have changed jobs.
I said to my husband, I wonder if my mother still remembers me.
My husband replied: I think she remembers you, I'm sure she misses you a lot.
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