The cat once I lived with

Yosyuku's Diary

Tuesday, 4th February 2025

IF conditional expression ...?

I'm learning how to do buying control.
When you use spreadsheet, you need to put expressions in a table to calculate for proper buying.
That's the question.
How are the expressions like under these three conditions?
I don't want to invade the copyright of the textbook so I omit the question's detail.

I have to do a conditional judgement.
The condition seem to be branched into three.
I might have to be use comparison operators.
I haven't learnt this kind of things so far.

The chapter's title is Business Strategy Management.
No, this isn't about technology.
This is just the beginning in the textbook.

I've been astounded by my lengthy and serious delay.
I'm completely out of date.
Only 79 days are left until the exam.

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