The cat once I lived with

Yosyuku's Diary

Friday, 24th January 2025

Dictionaries and a grammar book

I bought Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, Oxford Collocations Dictionary and Practical English Usage.
Practical English Usage is a grammar dictionary.
When I write something in English, The frequency I look up a dictionary has been oftener than before.
I used to use an online dictionary.
It was Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online.
I've liked Longman since I was a highschool student, but I felt it isn't enough for writing in recent days.

An app called Monokakido is the platform of those dictionaries.
I have already had Japanese, Portuguese and Chinese dictionaries on Monokakido.
I hadn't know Monokakido was available also on Mac.

English essays have their manner when they are written.
A book called IELTS Essential Guide contains how.
I promised the English tutor that I will rewrite a Task 2 essay on last Saturday.
IELTS Essential Guide is written in Japanese and I can read a columns by people who had taken IELTS.
I was lazy to rewrite but the book will help.

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