The cat once I lived with

Yosyuku's Diary

Thursday, 26th September 2024

Term to remain quiet

I have advanced the cost of a commuter pass.
A six-month commuter pass is very expensive because of the high fares on the route.
The commuter pass fee will be paid into my bank account on the 25th of next month.
The commuter pass was purchased with a credit card, so the money will be deducted from my bank account on the 10th of next month, which is a very large amount.

I haven't travelled abroad for more than 10 years.
But I seem to waste a lot of money and I haven't saved any money.
In November, I also have an annual payment for online English lessons.
I can't cut down on the cost of the coffee I order at the café in the morning because it's also the cost of a place to stay in the morning.

For now anyway, my priority is my health and I will manage to keep working.
Stop causing problems at work.
Avoid buying new books for a while, apart from the novel I mentioned the other day.
Try not to break down my computer or smartphone.

Hold the handrail when using the stairs.
Cross pedestrian crossings.
It is OK to give up karaoke.
If I can endure it for a few more months, for example until the end of this year, it might get a little easier.

Having said that, I've changed my smartphone plan to a 20 GB per month plan because of the packet traffic charges for tethering outside.
But I gave up Audible a long time ago, cancelled Amazon Unlimited, and stopped sponsoring Shizuka na Internet.
I don't even go out drinking or smoking cigars, so I wonder why I'm struggling to make money.

All I know is that I was off work for three and a half months, I was not paid during that time and the sickness benefits that replaced it were paid very slowly and in small amounts.
During my time off I had three running personal training sessions, bought a Chinese tablet and a bone-conduction headset.
I also bought running clothes.

The only other reason I can think of is that prices are rising.
The rise in prices is more vigorous than saving.
I haven't bought anything except what I want.
But normally, when you save money, you give up what you want.

I found a financial planner who seemed good because my money problems were so big.
Now all I have to do is contact that person, but it is very tedious.
Financial planners are not free either.
When I have worries, I get dim and I can't get on with anything else.

I found a number of processes at work today that I would like to automate.
It would be nice to be a spreadsheet wizard, but it would be even better if I could automate them.
I should still learn to code.
Let's do it without spending a lot of money.

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